Results for 'Okyanus Kar Şen'

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    (1 other version)Why We Love and Kill Animals.Okyanus Kar Şen - 2016 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 16:8-8.
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    Cognitive Control as a 5-HT1A-Based Domain That Is Disrupted in Major Depressive Disorder.Scott A. Langenecker, Brian J. Mickey, Peter Eichhammer, Srijan Sen, Kathleen H. Elverman, Susan E. Kennedy, Mary M. Heitzeg, Saulo M. Ribeiro, Tiffany M. Love, David T. Hsu, Robert A. Koeppe, Stanley J. Watson, Huda Akil, David Goldman, Margit Burmeister & Jon-Kar Zubieta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:441648.
    Heterogeneity within MDD has hampered identification of biological markers (e.g., intermediate phenotypes, IPs) that might increase risk for the disorder or reflect closer links to the genes underlying the disease process. The newer characterizations of dimensions of MDD within Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) domains may align well with the goal of defining IPs. We compare a sample of 25 individuals with MDD compared to 29 age and education matched controls in multimodal assessment. The multimodal RDoC assessment included the primary IP (...)
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    Arap Dilinde Mef‘ûller ve Türkçe Cümledeki Karşılıkları.Ahmet ŞEN - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (2):1137-1151.
    Anlatımda yoğunluk, özne ile yüklem arasına bir takım unsurların ek-lenmesiyle başlar. Yüklemin anlamı çeşitli açılardan bütünlenir, belirgin kılı-nır ya da pekiştirilir. Bunun için sözcüklere ya da sözcelere başvurulur. Türkçe cümlede, yüklemcil öğeyi çeşitli açılardan tamamlama görevi üstlenmiş cümle öğesi olarak tarif edilen tümleç, eylemin gösterdiği iş, oluş vb.’lerini tamamlama işlevi nedeniyle böyle adlandırılmıştır. Arapçada cümledeki bütün öğeleri içeren iki temel kavram vardır: ıtlâk ve takyîd. Itlak kavramı, özne ve yüklemi ifâde eden temel öğelerdir. Takyîd ise, cümlenin müsned ve müsnedün ileyh (...)
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    Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Şiirinde Doğa-Kültür Karşıtlığına/Çatışmasına Psikanalitik Bir Yaklaşım.Cafer ŞEN - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):1891-1891.
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    Hat Sanatında Özgür Yorum: Karalamalar.Mehmet Memi̇ş & Öznur İsen - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (2):351-377.
    Güzellik ve sanat iç içe geçmiş iki kavramdır. Bir bakıma güzellik, sanatın özüdür denilebilir. Her sanat dalında olduğu gibi hat sanatında da güzeli arama arzusu ve eşsiz eserler ortaya koyma çabası, hattatları sabırla çalışmaya ve kendi sınırlarını zorlamaya sevk etmiştir. Bir kitap sanatı olan hüsn-i hattın kelime manasının “güzel yazı” olmasına mukabil, daha iyisini yazmak uğruna harcanan çaba yorucu ve zahmetlidir, ancak sabırla çalışan elbette ki karşılığını alır. Başka bir deyişle “Muhakkak ki Allah güzeldir, güzeli sever!” hadis-i şerifi ışığında bu (...)
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    Gidenlerin Ardından: Şeyhî Ve Ahmet Paşa'nın "Sen Gideli" Redifli Gazelleri Üzerine Bir Karşılaştırm.Gülay Karaman - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):1123-1123.
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    Martin Buber’de Diyalog Felsefesi ve Ontolojik Etik Arasındaki İlişki.Muhammed Toprak & Nurten Ki̇ri̇ş Yilmaz - 2022 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 38:37-47.
    Bu çalışmanın amacı Martin Buber etiğinin özgünlüğünü keşfetmek ve geliştirmektir. Buber varlığı ilişki temelinde ele alarak Ben-O ve Ben-Sen ilişkisi olarak ayırmıştır. Ben-O ilişkisi insanın varlıkla sıradan tecrübesine karşılık gelirken, Ben-Sen ilişkisi insanın ötekiyle diyalog kurduğu anda ortaya çıkan daha derin bir ilişkidir. Ötekiyle ilişki; tüm etik değerlendirmeleri içinde barındıran, yaşamın dinamizmine uygun, insanlık tarihinin mitolojik ve etik dinamiklerini de içeren bir ilişkinin temellerini içermektedir. Ben-Sen ilişkisi yalnızca insanın insanlarla kurduğu bir ilişkiyi değil insanın canlı, cansız ve manevi tüm varlıklarla (...)
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    Usulcülere Göre Hükümde Tefvîz.Sabri Erturhan - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):746-772.
    Tefvîz meselesi ictihada başvurmaksızın ilkten hüküm koyma esasına dayanan girift bir meseledir. Şer’î ahkâmın kaynağı ya vahiy veya vahyin ışığında ictihaddır. Tefvîzde ise hüküm herhangi bir vahiy veya ictihada dayanmayıp, Allah tarafından daha önce verilen yetkiye dayanmaktadır. Tefvîzde ilkten ve re’sen bir hüküm koyma söz konusudur. Usulcüler arasında böyle bir yetkinin imkanı tartışılmış, mesele etrafında kabul ve red şeklinde temel iki görüş ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu ihtilafın temelinde hüsün ve kubuh etrafındaki kelamî tartışmaların önemli rol oynadığı anlaşılmaktadır. Tefvîzi kabul eden usulcüler (...)
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    Intellectual property meets transdisciplinary co-design: prioritizing responsiveness in the production of new AgTech through located response-ability.Karly Ann Burch, Dawn Nafus, Katharine Legun & Laurens Klerkx - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):455-474.
    This paper explores the complex relationship between intellectual property (IP) and the transdisciplinary collaborative design (co-design) of new digital technologies for agriculture (AgTech). More specifically, it explores how prioritizing the capturing of IP as a central researcher responsibility can cause disruptions to research relationships and project outcomes. We argue that boundary-making processes associated with IP create a particular context through which responsibility can, and must, be located and cultivated by researchers working within transdisciplinary collaborations. We draw from interview data and (...)
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    Michel Foucault and the subversion of intellect.Karlis Racevskis - 1983 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  11. The idea of justice.Amartya Sen - 2009 - Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
    And in this book the distinguished scholar Amartya Sen offers a powerful critique of the theory of social justice that, in its grip on social and political ...
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    Postmodernism and the search for enlightenment.Karlis Racevskis - 1993 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
    "Ever since the explosion in relationships of power during the 1960s, the humanities have become a battlefield. What had previously been thought of as merely academic concerns have spilled over academic boundaries and attracted the attention of politicians, government officials, members of the media, and, ultimately, the general public. As a way of addressing this turmoil, Karlis Racevskis considers the legacy of the Enlightenment and revaluates modernity's claims for objective knowledge and the traditional model of reason. How relevant, he asks, (...)
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  13. Ein fundamentaler Defekt der Energiedefinition.R. Kar - 1985 - Philosophia Naturalis 22 (3):406-415.
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    Ethics, language, and tradition: essays on philosophy of Rajendra Prasad.Bijayananda Kar (ed.) - 2009 - New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
    Transcripts of papers presented at a national seminar sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
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    The Dharma in Jainism.Bijayananda Kar - 1986 - International Philosophical Quarterly 26 (2):161-168.
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  16. Symposium on Amartya Sen's philosophy: 4 reply.Amaryta Sen - 2001 - Economics and Philosophy 17 (1):51-66.
    I am most grateful to Elizabeth Anderson (2000), Philip Pettit (2000) and Thomas Scanlon (2000) for making such insightful and penetrating comments on my work and the related literature. I have reason enough to be happy, having been powerfully defended in some respects and engagingly challenged in others. I must also take this opportunity of thanking Martha Nussbaum, for not only chairing the session in which these papers were presented followed by a splendid discussion (which she led), but also for (...)
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  17. Positional objectivity.Amartya Sen - 1993 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 22 (2):126-145.
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    The theories of error in Indian philosophy: an analytical study.Bijayananda Kar - 1978 - Delhi: Ajanta Publications : distributors, Ajanta Books International.
    In this book a comprehensive study of the theories of error in classical Indian philosophy has been made by applying the techniques of linguistic and conceptual analysis. The special feature of this volume is that the different tools of analysis are directly applied on the classical Indian arguments. By way of analysis, it is maintained that the Indian theories of error are neither advancing a psychological account of error nor are the theories advancing any metaphysical theory regarding the ontological status (...)
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  19. Viii the impossibility of a Paretian liberal* Amartya Sen.Amartya Sen - 1979 - In Frank Hahn & Martin Hollis (eds.), Philosophy and economic theory. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 78--127.
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    Emotional responsiveness and relevant history of reinforcement are important determinants of social behavior.Pierre Karli - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):222-222.
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    On Marmor's Philosophy of Law.Robin Kar - 2012 - Law and Philosophy 31 (3):11-27.
  22. The Humanist vision.Bijayananda Kar (ed.) - 1981 - Bhubaneswar: Namita Kar.
  23. The invasion of the private sphere in Iran.Mehrangiz Kar - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (3):829-836.
    The Iranian government is a theocracy—the only one in the world today. The clergy control all three branches of government. The supreme leader or velayat-e-faqu’ih is also a cleric. In such a political system all legislation and policy making are conducted in accordance with the leaders’ interpretation of Islamic law or Shari’a. In this paper I will examine the extent to which these laws and policies allow the government to intrude into the private sphere of life and intervene in the (...)
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  24. Human rights and capabilities.Amartya Sen - 2009 - In Mark Goodale (ed.), Human rights: an anthropological reader. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Realism, responses and reactions: essays in honour of Pranab Kumar Sen.Pranab Kumar Sen & D. P. Chattopadhyaya (eds.) - 2000 - New Delhi: Sole distributor, Munshiram Manoharlal.
    Illustrations: 1 B/w Illustration Description: Pranab Kumar Sen, Professor Emeritus, Jadavpur University in whose honour this volume has been prepared was one of the leading philosophers of our country and a highly respected teacher. It carries thirty-five articles which deal with different branches of philosophy,viz., philosophical logic, philosophy of language, ontology, theory of knowledge, Kant exegesis, moral philosophy, social philosophy, philosophy of art. As Sen's philosophical interests and expertise were wide the authors had ample freedom in their choice of topics. (...)
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    Sur l'économie de marché. Entretien avec Amartya Sen.Amartya Sen, Arjo Klamer & Pierre Lurbe - 2000 - Cités 1:179-201.
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  27. Rational fools: A critique of the behavioral foundations of economic theory.Amartya Sen - 1977 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 6 (4):317-344.
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    Gerard Heymans: grondlegger van de Nederlandse psychologie.Kars Dekker - 2011 - Groningen: WB Uitgeverij.
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  29. Is Scientific Modeling an Indirect Methodology?Karlis Podnieks - 2009 - The Reasoner 3 (1):4-5.
    If we consider modeling not as a heap of contingent structures, but (where possible) as evolving coordinated systems of models, then we can reasonably explain as "direct representations" even some very complicated model-based cognitive situations. Scientific modeling is not as indirect as it may seem. "Direct theorizing" comes later, as the result of a successful model evolution.
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    Inequality Reexamined.Amartya Sen - 1927 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book develops some of the most important themes of Sen's works over the last decade. He argues in a rich and subtle approach that we should be concerned with people's capabilities rather than their resources or welfare.
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  31. Ryōsen bunshū.Ryōsen Tsunashima - 1905 - Tōkyō: Hidaka Yūrindō.
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  32. The brain and affectivity.P. Karli - 1999 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 53 (209):347-363.
  33. Internal consistency of choice.Amartya Sen - 1993 - Econometrica 61:495–521.
  34. On Ethics and Economics.Amartya Sen - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):722-723.
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  35. Why exactly is commitment important for rationality?Amartya Sen - 2005 - Economics and Philosophy 21 (1):5-14.
    Gary Becker and others have done important work to broaden the content of self interest, but have not departed from seeing rationality in terms of the exclusive pursuit of self-interest. One reason why committed behavior is important is that a person can have good reason to pursue objectives other than self interest maximization (no matter how broadly it is construed). Indeed, one can also follow rules of behavior that go beyond the pursuit of one's own goals, even if the goals (...)
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  36. (1 other version)The Moral Standing of the Market.Amartya Sen - 1985 - Social Philosophy and Policy 2 (2):1.
    How valuable is the market mechanism for practical morality? What is its moral standing? We can scarcely doubt that as individuals we do value tremendously the opportunity of using markets. Indeed, without access to markets most of us would perish, since we don't typically produce the things that we need to survive. If we could somehow survive without using markets at all, our quality of life would be rather abysmal. It is natural to feel that an institution that is so (...)
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  37. Democracy as a universal value.Amartya Sen - unknown
    In the summer of 1997, I was asked by a leading Japanese newspaper what I thought was the most important thing that had happened in the twentieth century. I found this to be an unusually thought-provoking question, since so many things of gravity have happened over the last hundred years. The European empires, especially the British and French ones that had so dominated the nineteenth century, came to an end. We witnessed two world wars. We saw the rise and fall (...)
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    Proactive and reactive control depends on emotional valence: a Stroop study with emotional expressions and words.Bhoomika Rastogi Kar, Narayanan Srinivasan, Yagyima Nehabala & Richa Nigam - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):325-340.
    We examined proactive and reactive control effects in the context of task-relevant happy, sad, and angry facial expressions on a face-word Stroop task. Participants identified the emotion expressed by a face that contained a congruent or incongruent emotional word. Proactive control effects were measured in terms of the reduction in Stroop interference as a function of previous trial emotion and previous trial congruence. Reactive control effects were measured in terms of the reduction in Stroop interference as a function of current (...)
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  39. Well-being, agency and freedom: The Dewey lectures 1984.Amartya Sen - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (4):169-221.
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  40. Evaluator relativity and consequential evaluation.Amartya Sen - 1983 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 12 (2):113-132.
  41. (1 other version)Rights and agency.Amartya Sen - 1982 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 11 (1):3-39.
    This paper is about three distinct but interrelated problems: (1) the role 0f rights in moral theory, (2) thc characterization 0f agent relative values and their admissibility in consequ<—:ncc—bascd evaluation, and ( 3) the nature 0f moral evaluation 0f states 0f aihirs.
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    Social science – STEM collaborations in agriculture, food and beyond: an STSFAN manifesto.Karly Burch, Julie Guthman, Mascha Gugganig, Kelly Bronson, Matt Comi, Katharine Legun, Charlotte Biltekoff, Garrett Broad, Samara Brock, Susanne Freidberg, Patrick Baur & Diana Mincyte - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):939-949.
    Interdisciplinary research needs innovation. As an action-oriented intervention, this Manifesto begins from the authors’ experiences as social scientists working within interdisciplinary science and technology collaborations in agriculture and food. We draw from these experiences to: 1) explain what social scientists contribute to interdisciplinary agri-food tech collaborations; (2) describe barriers to substantive and meaningful collaboration; and (3) propose ways to overcome these barriers. We encourage funding bodies to develop mechanisms that ensure funded projects respect the integrity of social science expertise and (...)
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  43. Equality of what?Amartya Sen - 1987 - In John Rawls & Sterling M. McMurrin (eds.), Liberty, equality, and law: selected Tanner lectures on moral philosophy. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
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    Religious Belief and the Philosophy of Wittgenstein.Bijyananda Kar - 2008 - In Kali Charan Pandey (ed.), Perspectives on Wittgenstein's unsayable. New Delhi: Readworthy Publications. pp. 116.
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    Serotonin and aggression: What kind of relationship?Pierre Karli - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):340-340.
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    Bibliographie.Karlis Racevskis - 1989 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 1 (3):31-40.
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  47. La vie philosophique en Amérique.Karlis Racevskis - 1989 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 1 (1):6.
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    Styles of Enlightenment: Taste, Politics, and Authorship in Eighteenth-Century France (review).Karlis Racevskis - 2008 - Substance 37 (2):141-146.
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    Timothy J. Reiss: The Discourse of Modernism.Karlis Racevskis - 1983 - American Journal of Semiotics 2 (3):157-162.
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    The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (review).Karlis Racevskis - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (1):123-124.
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